Why Entrepreneurs Need To Look At Data Governance To Drive Profits Economics and Money


The world of data is evolving at breakneck speeds. As an entrepreneur if you are not using data effectively, your business is losing out in a major way. Digital technology and innovation is necessary to keep pace with the changing world.

From reaching out to potential consumers, to exploring newer markets, everything can be made easier with data. In addition, data governance can help in drastically improving the efficiency of an organization.

If you are an entrepreneur looking to take your business to the big leagues, you should take a serious look at data. In this article, we will help business owners and entrepreneurs understand data governance.

Data Governance: Meaning and Importance

Every organization witnesses the inflow and outflow of data in an organization. Data Governance refers to a set of processes, which help in processing, managing, analysing and executing actionable data across the different verticals of an organization.

In other words, you can think of data governance as a set of rules and regulations, which govern how data should be used in an organization. Data governance is integral to core aspects of your business like Marketing, Sales, Accounting, Customer Relationships and Growth.

If you are not following a rigorous plan for data governance, would will be buried under ‘poor data’. As an organization, you never want the foundations to be built on faulty foundations. This in turn leads to poor decision-making, oversights and lowers the overall efficiency of an organization.

5 Reasons how Data Governance can drive profits: The List

  1. Data Governance lowers Operational Costs-

One of the principal reasons why businesses go for data governance is to lower costs and save money. An organization, which has a robust data governance framework, can identify problem areas in different departments.

This can be pointed out very easily with the right data and actions can be taken to address the same. This not only keeps low performing employees on their toes, but also leads to the creation of a leaner and fitter organization.

  1. Data Governance encourages Inter-Departmental Coordination-

If you have a great data governance framework, you can use the same across different verticals. For example, the marketing and sales teams can use the same data that the customer relationship team can. Yes, you would need to modify a bit, but the end goal remains the same.

This leads to coordination, cooperation and a great team building approach. If you put all these building blocks together, you create a great team, which helps drive revenues based on accurate data. However, you need to ensure that duplication does not take place.

  1. Data Governance helps in understanding Consumers and Markets better-

Every business looks to grow and expand in terms of consumers and markets. This involves launching newer products, looking for distributors and newer clients. All this meant many problems earlier on. However, with the right data set, these problems have faded away.

This is one area, where having the right data, can lead to faster launches. This can also help you in terms of growths, area scouting and understanding your competitors. Having the right information at your disposal is critical in reducing actions, which might lead to financial losses.

  1. Data Governance helps synchronize all your other Software-

Master Data Management or MDM helps synchronize all the software, which different departments might be using. This means the ERP, CRMs, SAPs, etc. are synced to one common platform. This is not only very helpful, but also contributes to better decisions.

By having access to all the software, you are in a better position to get an overall view of the entire organization. Logistics can be paired with operations and wastages can be monitored in real time. Every organization requires this to solve multiple problems at one go.

  1. Data Governance helps in making Projections and Growth Trends-

One question, which every entrepreneur keeps asking himself at least once a day is- where are we heading? With so many numbers, employees, clients, papers, bills, this question is tougher to answer than it seems. This is where data governance can help you.

Data can look at the numbers and show you the direction ahead. If that direction is bad, you should cut down, improve efficiency and reduce problems affecting the organization. Data can give you a clear picture regarding not only the past, but also the future.


Every business, whether big or small should explore data and how it can be used to boost revenues and efficiency. Data governance helps businesses build a better version of themselves by using technology and innovation.

Do you think data is essential when it comes to taking a business to the next level? Let us know in the comments section below.