Getting Your First Real Estate License


Real estate is an industry that never goes out of style because people are always looking to find their dream home. If you have been thinking about getting into a real estate career, there are some steps you will need to take in order to get the credentials you need to begin. Here are the steps on how to get a real estate license to start selling homes to prospective buyers.

Real Estate Courses

The first step you will take in getting into the world of real estate is taking the courses necessary to learn about the industry, how it works and what is required by law from a real estate agent. These courses may last a few weeks to a few months, depending on whether you are taking traditional classes or online courses. The courses will vary slightly depending on where you live because you will be learning the specific rules and regulations to work in your state.

The Licensing Exam

Once you have completed the required education courses, it will be time to take the test. These tests may either be administered by the organization that teaches the courses, or you may have to take the exam through one of the state government offices. The test will cover everything that you have learned so that the state understands you know what you are doing once you get your license to sell. You must pass the test in order to apply for a license. If you don’t pass the first time, you can take it again after a set period of time.

Your State Certified License

The last step in getting your first position as a real estate agent is to apply for your license. You will need to submit all of the necessary paperwork which will include your proof of identity, transcripts from your courses and your test scores. More documents may need to be submitted based on state requirements. These items will be processed and then your real estate license will be issued.